Website development is a pricey deal if you choose to go to an established agency. Often time, it is seen that small businesses or entrepreneurs who choose to associate with these agencies end up closing their contract in between just because these agencies drain a lot of money on the project. Ultimately, the option to hire a freelance web developer who owns a rich experience in advanced platforms and technologies turns out to be the best for them. Hiring a trustworthy web developer, you get a guarantee to have the best web solutions like eCommerce website development, custom web development, PHP development, and a lot more.
Laravel Training Overview
Laravel is a free, open source PHP web application framework, designed for the development of model-view-controller (MVC) web applications. In this training, we will begin by preparing a dev environment and learning how to install and configure Laravel. Laravel is modern, dynamic and powerful PHP Framework for web development. Laravel allows you to develop applications which are flexible, user-friendly and clean. If you have knowledge of PHP then this course is easy for you. We provide professional and advance Laravel training for the affordable price.
Objectives of the Course
- Setting up and installing Laravel
- Using forms and gathering/validating inputs
- Creating an authentication system for your application
- Storing and using data by creating data tables and raw SQL statements
- Using controllers and routes for APIs and URLs
- Displaying views and loading nested views
- Creating and using composer packages
- Using jQuery and Ajax
- Implementing security and sessions effectively using encryption/decryption
- Deploying and integrating third-party services into the application.
Pre-requisites of Laravel Course Content
- Knowledge of PHP and MySQL is enough
Who can attend this course
- B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D. Researchers, Other Professional Researchers
Laravel Course Content
Introduction of Laravel PHP Framework
- Installing Laravel
- Artisan CLI ( command-line interface )
- Laravel Directory Structure
- Configuring a new Laravel project
- Artisan command to generate boilerplate code for a controller
- Basic routing
- Call a controller method from a route
- Passing variables from controllers to views
HTML Template to Laravel Blade Template
- Template inheritance
- Master layout
- Extending the master layout
- Displaying variables
- Blade conditional statements
- Blade Loops
- Executing PHP functions in blade
- Displaying Your Views
- Creating and using a basic views
- Loading a view into another view/nested views
- Adding assets
- Integrating with Bootstrap
- Introduction
- Requirements for running migrations
- Artisan migration command
- Migration structure
- How to create a table using a migration
- Laravel migration rollback
- Database Seeding
- Migrations for our project database
Using Forms and Gathering Input
- Creating contact us form
- Validating user input
- Sending email
- Creating a file uploader
- Validating a file uploader
- Creating a custom error message
Creating a registration & user login form
- Using Artisan command to create inbuilt user register and login system – Authenticating Your Application
- Adding Custom Fields to Registration Form
- Creating user profile page
Admin Panel Setup
- Introduction
- Setup Admin Panel using Bootstrap theme
- Create Admin login
- Creating an admin authentication system
- Encrypting and decrypting data
Using Controllers and Routes for URLs and APIs
- Introduction
- Creating a basic controller
- Creating a route using a closure
- Making the controller RESTful
- Using route groups
- Building a RESTful API with routes
Eloquent ORM ( Storing and Using Data )
- Eloquent ORM Models
- Naming conventions
- Table name and primary keys
- Timestamps
- Using models in controllers
- Displaying data from models in views
Creating and Using Composer Packages
- Introduction
- Downloading and installing packages
- Using a basic Shopping Cart package in our project
Using Ajax and jQuery
- Introduction
- Getting data from another page
- Setting up a controller to return JSON data
- Creating a Jquery, AJAX comment system
Security & Session
- Using Security
- Sessions Effective
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